To use the Modstache library, include Modstache.js or Modstache.min.js file:
<script src="Modstache.min.js"></script>
This will create the Modstache object that exposes the following API :
- fill - assigns data properties. Works on an HTML string or DOM fragment. Returns the filled DOM fragment.
- fillHTML - assigns data properties to an HTML string by replacing mustache syntax {{}}
- fillDOM - assigns data properties to a DOM fragment by looking for elements with the {} attribute
- options - gets/sets the default options for Modstache.
The Modstache library can also be accessed through the _M_ variable.
var targetFragment = Modstache.fill(target:HTML string or DOM fragment, data:object, optional options:object);
var html = Modstache.fillHTML(target:HTML string, data:object, optional options:object);
var fragment = Modstache.fillDOM(target:DOM fragment, data:object, optional options:object);
var options = Modstache.options({ modified properties });