Event Handling - View Working Example

Element events can be handled in the model by returning the handler function from a context function. This is a function returned by a function. For example, (context) => (event) => { // handle event }. The outer function provides access to the context, including the model object and element. The inner function is the event handler.

Clicking a Button

The following example shows an alert when the button is clicked.


        <button id="mybutton" {}="onclick:onClickButton">Click Me</button>


        let buttonModel = {
            onClickButton: () => () => alert('You clicked the button')

        _M_.fill(document.getElementById('mybutton'), buttonModel);

Display Number of Times Clicked

The following example displays the number of times the button was clicked.


        <div id="TimesClicked">
            <button {}="onclick:onClickButton">Click Me</button>
            You clicked the button <span {}="clickCount"></span> times.


        let clickModel = {
            clickCount: 0,
            onClickButton: (ctx) => (event) => ctx.root.clickCount++

        _M_.fill(document.getElementById('TimesClicked'), clickModel);

Modified HTML

        <div id="TimesClicked">
            <button {}="onclick:onClickButton">Click Me</button>
            You clicked the button <span {}="clickCount">3</span> times.